Friday, February 16, 2024

Outsourced: Eff Jon Stewart

A follow-up to previous post "Challenge," I note that Jon Stewart is back to his "both-sides" / "funny" snark

We may laugh, but anything that equates Joe Biden and Tangerine Palpatine makes the world worse. That isn't funny.

This comment, on Kevin Drum's post "Voters need to be more scared of Donald Trump," really says it all:

For the past few days lots of folks on the D side have watched with shock while Biden got pilloried in the press for calling Egypt Mexico by mistake and for his careless handling of "classified" information in a hatchet job report by the special counsel.

Meanwhile, Trump invited Putin to invade our allies in Europe.

What got more attention in the media? The Biden stories, by a wide margin. There's a complete panic about Biden's ability to function as president.

No wonder the public seems to be worried more about Biden.

Perhaps the key weakness of Democrats is expecting the media to report the dangers to the country with some sort of common sense and dedication to the truth. That's folly. For one thing, media is overwhelmingly slanted toward Republicans. I don't mean just Fox. I mean the NY Times and NPR. The Times hasn't gone after a GOP president since Nixon. It's a Republican paper when it comes to politics, and that's been clear since the early days of Bill Clinton.

Waiting for the media to tell your story is how Democrats lose. Democrats need to attack. Media loves conflict. Give them real conflict. They'll cover it. Why haven't Democrats gone after Trump for his remarks with the focus and intensity they deserve? That goes for Biden and every D in Congress.

"I may forget a name or two but I'll never forget who are friends are. Donald Trump wants Putin to invade Europe. I want the free world to stand together and put thugs like Putin back in his place."

Things like that, and more. Make Trump's radical and anti-democratic ramblings a topic of attention. Don't let anyone forget it. Don't joke about it. Get serious.

Also, Rob Reiner:

Biden is old. But he is a decent moral person who is incredibly effective at governing. Trump is old. But he’s a pathologically lying criminal who is incapable of governing and will destroy American Democracy.

And me.

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