
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Outside our silos re: AI risk (2/2)

As you know from Losing My Religions, I have a lot to say about the topic of AI. But even if I don't agree with everything, I ask that you please just read and consider this article about AI and opportunity costs. Thanks.

PS: ChatGPT's take on Losing:

"Losing My Religions" is a thoughtful and thought-provoking book that explores the intersections between religion, ethics, and animal rights activism. It offers a unique perspective on the subject and is likely to appeal to readers who are interested in the connections between different social justice...

Full chat; the second paragraph is pretty off, although the third pulls in information not in the book or on the book's website:

Second attempt says I grew up in Michigan (I grew up in Ohio) and was evangelical (was actually Catholic) and I don't really talk about "living in alignment with one's values":

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