Our emotional response to cruelty moves us, but five hard facts drive One Step:
Given the above (and all the other information in the links), One Step for Animals’ mission is two-fold:
You have many, many great and worthy groups pleading for your support this season. Many of them tell heart-rending stories with utterly compelling pictures.
However, if you recognize the implications of the above facts and conclusions, please consider donating to One Step for Animals today.
We will, of course, continue to experiment and evaluate to optimize our outreach, so as to reduce as much suffering as possible per dollar donated.
And: any contribution of any amount will be doubled, dollar-for-dollar!
So please, give the chicks a quick click.
Your generous support will go to reasoned, real-world advocacy to do the most good.
Thank You So Much!
-Your One Step Team
.Be logical, like Spock! Let others Live Long and Prosper!

Given the above (and all the other information in the links), One Step for Animals’ mission is two-fold:
You have many, many great and worthy groups pleading for your support this season. Many of them tell heart-rending stories with utterly compelling pictures.
However, if you recognize the implications of the above facts and conclusions, please consider donating to One Step for Animals today.
We will, of course, continue to experiment and evaluate to optimize our outreach, so as to reduce as much suffering as possible per dollar donated.
And: any contribution of any amount will be doubled, dollar-for-dollar!
So please, give the chicks a quick click.
Your generous support will go to reasoned, real-world advocacy to do the most good.
Thank You So Much!
-Your One Step Team
.Be logical, like Spock! Let others Live Long and Prosper!
I was shocked by your point #5 above. I don't plan to be one of those statistics, and I will not go back to eating chicken or turkey, especially when the meat analogues to replace them are so good. So often, it seems, we humans excel at moving in the opposite direction we need to.
I think your readers might appreciate the source for the recidivism stats from Faunalytics: https://faunalytics.org/a-summary-of-faunalytics-study-of-current-and-former-vegetarians-and-vegans/
Your readers might appreciate the source for the recidivism stats from Faunalytics: https://faunalytics.org/a-summary-of-faunalytics-study-of-current-and-former-vegetarians-and-vegans/
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