
Friday, December 22, 2023

Random Advice

Tears for Fears - Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams

Don't make your bed. Dust mites love moisture - dry those suckers out!

Do you have a doomer in your life who might be swayed by data? Given them Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie. One of the most important writers in the world. No joke / no exaggeration. 

Dear Hank and John is a fun podcast. No politics, no "doom and gloom" (although they did deal with some serious topics). They truly seem to love each other and enjoy one another's company. Hank Green has the most sincere (and plentiful) laughter I've ever heard on a podcast. (Dear other podcasters: please stop with the forced jocularity.) John's The Anthropocene Reviewed podcast was very good, and often very moving; he has a book of the same title (that isn't as highly reviewed as this one, although his has just a few more reviews.)

Speaking of enjoying each other's company, every time Evie McGee is on The Late Show is delightful. After 30+ years, Stephen still seems as smitten with Evie as I am with Anne. (Colbert has mentioned her being vegan many times; on Valentine's Day, she wore and commented on wearing vegan leather pants [toward the end].)

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