Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday Tips: Can New Rules Break Through? (2/2)

10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant "These Are the Days"
OMG is her voice incredible. Longer treat coming for the weekend.

Look closely at this picture (click for larger)

There are so many life lessons and tips out there, but it is incredibly hard to actually change our habits. (How to change.) Building a regular meditation habit is one example, as well as exercise and eating healthy. There is an entire industry of gurus out there who have life hacks and tools that promise anything and everything (4-hour work week, 4-minute body, 4-second love life 😬).

This is a place where YouTube is useful - less investment than getting and reading a book. Here is a short video of four pretty good ideas (you can fast forward through the sponsor). Probably a good idea to pick just one (at first) and see if you can integrate that into your life.

One note: I see he says to clean the house all at once. In terms of efficiency, this is optimal. However, a task like that can feel overwhelming such that you continually put it off. Another way to deal with this is to do a bit of cleaning as part of your break between seated tasks. For example: do your email, then close your email, empty the dishwasher, then completely focus on your next task. Doing something different can help reset your mind.

A general joke I see is "The task I've been dreading for days took me all of 15 minutes." I've found that to be true as well!

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