
Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Great Marla Rose on TAA

The hilarious and cuttingly insightful Marla Rose has a review up of The Accidental Activist. Her review concludes:

Even if you don’t agree with every point, they are all thoughtfully presented and some, I will admit, made me challenge some of my own less than well-articulated beliefs as well as work toward improving my habits. I also appreciate that it is written with humility, with humor and understanding. In short, this is the collection to give someone new to the movement, someone who is burned out and feeling ineffective, someone who has been at this a long time or basically anyone who cares about other living beings: with wisdom, grace, straightforwardness, and an almost disconcerting lack of pretension, Matt Ball cuts to the heart of the matter. I highly recommend this collection. It will make you a better person. 

After you read the review, be sure to subscribe to Marla's Vegan Feminist Agitator blog, and you'll get a free copy of her ebook!

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